What does your Acne reveal about your health

9:58 AM

It is believed in Chinese Medicine that acne that flares up on different parts of your face represents health problems on different parts of your body. It’s like this part of your face corresponds to this organ. To know what conditions you’re suffering from, just look at where your acne is.

Upper Forehead
Affects: Digestive System and Bladder
What to do:
  • Drinking water helps to flush out the toxins in your body, so boost your water intake and have a look at the foods you are eating.
  • Minimize intake of fizzy drinks and high caffeinated drinks. Also look at switching to herbal teas, especially green tea!
  • Consume less chocolate, cakes, lemonade and Coke, drink more mineral water without gas. Eat food that helps eliminate toxins from the body: boiled cabbage, and baked apples.
  • Go to bed early (10pm) and wake up early (6am). Even if you can’t fall asleep. it’s good to relax so your liver can rest and be ready for work the next day
  • 20-30 minutes of light exercise every day, especially outdoors
  • Practice relaxation techniques to worry less
  • Better hygiene (washing hair, hats)
  • Green Tea, lemon water and berries can also help as these are antioxidant rich foods

Lower Forehead

Affects: Heart
Your heart is a massive organ that pumps blood all over your body. If it’s stressed out due to poor diet, inactivity and various mental and physical stresses, then not only are you likely to get pimples on your lower forehead, your entire body will be doomed if you don’t fix the problems. Having a healthy heart means to do regular exercises to strengthen the heart, as well as eat a healthy diet, and keeping stresses low.
What to do:
  • Try to exercise regularly
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water
  • Eat healthy, preferably low cholesterol, high fiber diet
  • Quit smoking


Affects: Kidneys
When kidneys are not taken care of, you’ll find these large, painful pimples on your ears that refuses to leave no matter what.
What to do:
  • Increase water intake
  • Avoiding eating too much salty food, caffeine
  • cleanse your kidneys with diuretics like parsley and water

 Eyes, orbital area and between the Eyebrows

Affects: Liver
Oiliness, redness, flakiness and pimples between the eyebrows can indicate that your liver may have been overworking and need a cleansing.
What to do:
  • Eat fruits and vegetables with high content of vitamin C (kiwi, sweet pepper, oranges) will help in providing you with a good mood.
  • Try to avoid eating late at night; especially right before bedtime as your body will not break down the food as effectively, leading to a toxin build up.
  • Cut back on fatty, sugary, greasy and rich foods, alcohol and diary, particularly if you’re lactose intolerant.
  • Some of the best foods to cleanse your liver include garlic, grapefruit, green tea, carrots, beets, leafy green vegetables, lemons and lime.

 Upper Cheeks

Affects: Lungs and Respiratory System
Stresses to the lungs is likely to cause flare ups in the upper cheeks and even break your capillaries. These stresses include smoking, asthma, allergies, and lung infections.
What to do:
  • Avoid smoking and passive smoking
  • Exercise
  • Avoid polluted area

Lower Cheeks

Affects: Gum or Teeth Problems
Gum or teeth problems may contribute to acne in the lower cheeks area.
What to do:
  • Hygiene:
    • Change your pillowcase at least once a week, and wipe down your phone with an antibacterial wipe every few days.
    • Always keep on top of your dental health, brushing, mouthwash and flossing twice a day and regular check ups at the dentist at least twice a year! Don’t just wait until you have a dental problem to make an appointment.
  • Food:
    • Foods great for healthier lungs include, kale, sprouts and pumpkin.
    • Include fresh vegetables, oatmeal and brown rice in your diet.
    • Eat more cooling foods such as gourds, winter melons, and green beans
    • Don’t overeat
    • Avoid fast food and junk food, artificial sugar and sodas
    • Avoid mango, taro root, wine, and seafood or other foods you may be sensitive to
    • Eat less sugar

Sides of the Chin

Affects: Hormones and Genitals
This may affect a lot of girls. When sides of the chin often flare up, it’s a sign of hormonal imbalance, often caused by menstruation. Sometimes, even emotional or physical stress can cause hormonal imbalances. There are also herbs that can help balance hormones such as licorice, schisandra, holy basil, maca, burdock, red raspberry leaves, rhodiola and milk thisle. Green tea is also a brilliant anti-androgen.
What to do:
  • Reduce the habit of eating before bed
  • Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Get more rest and sleep
  • Get 20 minutes of exercise each day and massage your body for relaxation
  • Sleep early and wake up early
  • Try herbs that can help balance hormones such as licorice, schisandra, holy basil, maca, burdock, red raspberry leaves, rhodiola and milk thisle. Green tea is also a brilliant anti-androgen.
 Centre of the Chin
Affects: Small intestines and stomach
This is also caused by poor diets and food allergies. Be sure to eliminate those bad foods.
What to do:
  • Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Get more rest
  • Increase water intake and fiber in your diet

Chest and Neck

Chest areas are usually caused by stress, so be sure to figure out what’s stressing you out and try to eliminate that stress. It’s also important to be comfortable in your outfits. When areas around the neck flare up, it’s often caused by your body fighting off infections.
What to do:
  • Try to eliminate stressors
  • Use comfortable clothing
  • Increase water intake and maintain ascorbic acid intake to fight off infections.

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