6 Natural Alternatives to Shampoo

1:49 PM

Want the glossy locks without the fuss? Walk your bouffant to the hippy parlour, we’re ditching the sham de la poo, and looking at alternative ways to keep your hair in shape while you’re travelling.
It’s a given that we all shampoo our hair, right? Once a day we follow our mothers’ mantra, and squirt that shiny goo into our hair, rinse it up into a lather, belt out our favourite Kylie hit, and disappear into a cloud of foamy goodness.
But we don’t need to. There are alternatives. Think I’m sounding like a salesman for a life on Mars? I’m about to give you the run-down of my favourite alternatives to shampoo. It’s by no means a complete list, no doubt you know a trick or two yourself?
There’s a strong belief that the shampoo industry is all a big con, and that there is absolutely no benefit in the process. In effect, shampoo strips your hair of the natural oils, and when you hair fights back it starts to feel greasy. You panic, shampoo your hair again, and marvel at your renewed look.
Essentially, it’s a bizarre battle against your own hairy head. It’s a tiring life for a strand of hair.
No room for a bottle of shampoo in your backpack? Cram in half a dozen eggs, for the perfect wash. Egg yolk is mainly protein, meaning it’s fantastic for repairing damaged hair. But here’s an important tip, don’t wash it through with hot water, unless you’re going for that scrambled egg look.
Mix up a tablespoon of baking soda with a little water to form a paste, and gently apply to your beloved roots. Finish off my mixing two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water, and apply to the ends of your hair. It takes some practice, but before long you’ll be a bone fide member of the wonderful sounding, No ‘Poo movement.
If you find yourself travelling for an extended period of time, I recommend going cold turkey. Just rinse the dirt out with water, and over time your body will balance out the natural oils. There will be a period of greasiness, but hey, you’re travelling — that’s totally acceptable!
Pop a lemon in your wash bag and squeeze it over your hair for a no fuss, high gloss finish. This works best with a dab of organic conditioner, and is a great treat if you’re going for the cold turkey option.
This is space age haircare, developed by NASA for their astronauts! There’s no need for water, so it’s the ultimate wash & go. You simply dust your hair with the powder and brush it through, you can even find it in different coloured powders for different hair colours.
The ingredients of mayonnaise, are: oil, vinegar and eggs. As you have no doubt gathered by this point, these are all ideal treatments for your hair and subsequently, mayo makes an ideal replacement for shampoo. Apply to your bonce, leave for 10 minutes, and while you’re waiting for gloss to shine, why not head-butt a few chips?

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