10 Amazing Nutritional Benefits of Corn Health

11:30 AM

Health benefits of corn include controlling diabetes, prevention of heart ailments, lowering hypertension and prevention of neural-tube defects at birth. Corn or maize is one of the most popular cereals in the world and forms the staple food in many countries, including the United States and  many African countries.
The kernels of corn are what hold the majority of corn’s nutrients, and are the most commonly consumed parts of the vegetable. The kernels can come in multiple colors, depending on where the corn is grown and what species or variety they happen to be. Another genetic variant, called sweetcorn, has more sugar and less starch in the nutritive material.
1: Good for healthy eyes
Corn has high content of beta carotene which forms Vitamin A in the body and as we all know Vitamin A is good for our vision so, having corn will definitely help in keeping our eyes healthy. We also find carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin which reduce the risk of macular degeneration and also lessens the development of cataract.

2: Slowing down bone loss
Another type of Vitamin A that is beta – cryptoxanthin is good for slowing down bone loss which is associated with age. When the process of bole loss is slowed down it reduces the chance of rheumatoid arthritis as well.

3: During pregnancy
Corn has high content of folic acid therefore pregnant women are prescribed to have corn in order to meet up the folic acid requirement during pregnancy.

4: Helps in digestion
Corn is rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber which helps our digestive system and also helps assuage common digestive problems like constipation and hemorrhoids.

5: Healthy heart
Corn grain is a rich source of folate which is a type of B-Vitamin helping in reducing homocysteine. It is an inflammatory marker which is attributed to many heart diseases. If you want to reduce the risk of developing heart diseases or any other cardiovascular related diseases then you must have diet which is high content of folate.

6: Proper functioning of body
Corn has thiamin which is a type of Vitamin B1 which is helpful in converting carbohydrates into energy and also essential for proper functioning of muscles and nervous system.

7: Helps you gain strong connective tissues
The connective tissues consist of bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons and cartilage. Manganese is believed to strengthen the connective tissue and therefore having corn will be helpful as it is full of manganese. Manganese is also helpful in keeping the blood sugar stable and provides energy by breaking down the carbs and fat.

8: Helps in fighting tumors
Another nutritional benefit of corn is that corn has high contents of anti-oxidants which help in fighting cancer and eliminating the free radicals which causes cancer. With the high amount of phenolic compound, ferulic acid that are present in corn makes it suitable in fighting tumors in breast and liver.

9: Good or diabetes and hyper tension
Photochemical  controls the absorption and release of the insulin in the body thus helping the diabetes patient to maintain a healthy life as it reduces the chances of sudden high or low in sugar level. The Vitamin B content in corn helps it to prevent the stress level

10: Lowers bad cholesterol
There is ample amount of anti-antherogenic in the corn oil which helps in lowering the bad or LDL cholesterols.

How to select and store Corn
Corn is easily available across markets all over the world. Its always good to consume fresh corn however frozen corn can also be used. While buying fresh corn make sure the husks are not dried out. Also consume fresh corns within few days to ensure good taste. For storing fresh corns you may keep the husk and store in air tight containers in refrigerator.
Nutrition Facts of Corn

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